

2023-03-26 08:53:56 环境的文章 访问手机版



1)  这个冬季,天气异常寒冷。此刻没有风。

(概述)This winter, the weather was unusually cold. There was no wind at the moment.

(细节)This winter, the weather was unusually cold. There was no wind at the moment. The world seemed to be frozen and the river have stopped its footsteps. 这个冬季,天气异常寒冷。此刻没有风,世界好像停止有这一刻,河流也停下了脚步。

2) 外面刮起了大风,地上的灰尘乱飞。

(概述)Outside, there was a strong wind, the dust on the ground flying in disorder。

(细节)Outside, there was a strong wind, blowing the branches in all directions. The dust on the ground was flying in disorder, which made people unable to open their eyes. 外面刮起了大风,吹的树枝乱摆,地上的灰尘乱飞,让人睁不开眼睛。


3) 昨天下了倾盆大雨。

(概述)It was raining cats and dogs.

(细节)It was raining cats and dogs yesterday when school was over. I was all wet when I got home. 昨天放学的时候在下着倾盆大雨。我到家时全身都湿了。


(概述)Tom was caught in a heavy downpour.

(细节)Unfortunately, Tom was caught in the heavy rain, wet through from head to toe, like a drowned rat. 真不幸,汤姆在暴雨中被淋成了落汤鸡。

5) 刚才还是白云朵朵,一霎时狂风暴雨起来了。

(概述)Just now there were still white clouds, but in a flash, it poured down.

(细节)The weather in summer is unpredictable. Just now there were still white clouds, but in a flash, lightning and thunder broke out, and there came a downpour. 夏天的天气真是变幻莫测。刚才还是白云朵朵,一霎时就电闪雷鸣,狂风暴雨起来了。

热:hot(热);melt(融化);sweat like a pig(汗流浃背);rain fire(天气火热)


(概述)The weather was so hot.

(细节)The weather was so hot that there was no wind, and the thick air seemed to be frozen. 天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有,稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。

2) 天气热得吓人,我汗流浃背。

(概述)The weather was terrible and I was sweating like a pig.

(细节)Though not doing anything, I was sweating like a pig. It was not just hot. It was African hot, which was too terrible to tolerate. 虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。不止是热,是像非洲一样热!天热得吓人。

冷:cold, bone-chilling


(概述)It's freezing cold.

(细节)I can't stop shivering from the cold trembling all over. 我冷得不停打哆嗦。


(概述)The wind was bone-chilling.

(细节) The wind was so bone-chilling that it cut right through me. 这寒风如此刺骨,直接穿过我的身体。


1. 夏夜:宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与慢节奏的村庄形成一幅和谐的美景。

There is harmony between the moon and stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village.

2. 春天户外:小鸟像音乐家一样,在树上唱着优美的歌,蝴蝶像多采多姿的舞蹈家一样,拍动着翅膀,飞来飞去。

The birds, like musician, sang their melodious songs in the trees, and butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there.

3. 露水:当阳光照耀在露珠上时露珠像珠宝一样闪闪发光。

The drops of dew sparkle like jewels when the sun shines on them. 


The grass is soft and green on the side of the road, with little dewdrops on each piece of grass, they quietly welcome mother earth to wake up.

4. 日出:第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒。夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉蓝色的天空下。

The next day, the sunlight woke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky.


The sun is coming up from its flat bed of fog, red and new and full of promises.

5. 月光:一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物.

It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything.

6. 夏雨:开始雨点很大,溅起地上的灰尘,打在屋顶上丁当作响.

The first drops of rain are huge; they split into the dust on the ground, and plunk on the roof.


Suddenly there comes a terrible thunder clap overhead, and then the sky is full of roars of thunder.

7. 冬雪:当我第二天早晨起床时,我看到大地被厚厚的白色毯子覆盖着。

When I got up the next morning, I saw that the ground was covered with a vast blanket of whiteness.

8. “安静祥和”

When I was bathed in the sunlight, it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of my skin. (沐浴在阳光下;琥珀色的阳光亲吻着全身的肌肤)

Mist-covered mountains(薄雾霭霭的山上) were dotted with small farms and villages.(点缀着)

The sound of my footsteps was accompanied only by the gracefully waving reeds.(优雅地随风飘扬的芦苇)

9. “风雨交加”

The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds. (乌云密布;黑云压顶)

On that dark and stormy night, the waves were crashing and the winds were howling.(海浪肆意拍打;劲风咆哮。)

The rain came pouring down, and the winds blew and beat against the house. (雨倾盆而下,洪流猛涨,狂风肆意的冲击着房屋。
