



prick up one’s ears 竖起耳朵

strain one’s ears 倾耳静听

cover one’s ears 捂住耳朵

wiggle one’s ear 扭动耳朵

listen with half an ear 半听不听

one’s ears pop 耳朵嗡嗡作响

wrinkle one’s nose 皱起鼻子

blow one’s nose 擤鼻涕

hold/pinch one’s nose 捏住鼻子

twitch one’s nose 抽动鼻子

flatten one’s nose against 把鼻子贴在

bite one’s lips 咬嘴唇

lick one’s lips 舔嘴唇

smack one’s lips 咂嘴

purse one’s lips 抿嘴

break into a smile 露出笑容

smile/grin from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴

cup/cover one’s mouth to hide one’s yawn 捂住嘴偷偷打个哈欠


1. The dog ________ its ears when it heard a strange noise. 这只狗听到奇怪声音时竖起了耳朵。

2. She ________ her ears to hear what they were whispering about. 她竖起耳朵听他们在嘀咕些什么。

3. The child _________ his ears to block out the loud noise. 孩子捂住耳朵避免听到嘈杂的声音。

4. Her ears ________ as the plane descended. 飞机下降时她的耳朵嗡嗡作响。

5. She __________ her nose at the smell of the rotten eggs. 她闻到烂蛋的味道时皱起了鼻子。

6. He ______ his nose loudly, causing everyone in the room to turn and look at him. 他大声擤鼻涕,引起房间里所有人的注意。

7. She ________ her nose as she walked past the smelly dumpster. 她捏住鼻子,走过难闻的垃圾箱。

8. The puppy _________ his nose as he sniffed around the garden. 小狗抽动着鼻子,在花园周围嗅来嗅去。

9. He __________ his nose against the glass to see the fish better. 他把鼻子贴在玻璃上更好地看鱼。

10. She ____ her lips to prevent herself from crying. 她咬住嘴唇克制住自己的哭声。

11. She _________ her lips after drinking the tasty juice. 她喝完美味的果汁后咂了咂嘴。

12. He _______ his lips in disapproval of their behavior. 他抿了抿嘴,对他们的行为不满意。

13. He _____ his tongue when he realized he had made a mistake in his presentation. 他意识到自己在演示中犯了错误,于是忍着没有说出来。

14. When he saw his crush, he couldn’t help _____________ a smile. 当他看到他心仪的人时,他情不自禁地露出了笑容。

15. The children _____________ when they got their presents. 孩子们收到礼物时笑得合不拢嘴。

16. She __________ her mouth to hide her yawn during the boring lecture. 在无聊的讲座中,她捂住嘴巴偷偷打了个哈欠。




Lena was sitting in a crowded cafe, her nose filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As she listened to the chatter around her, she couldn’t help but notice the sound of a woman with a nasally voice sitting at the table next to her. Lena ________ her nose in annoyance and took a sip of her coffee, savoring the bitterness on her tongue. Just then, a man walked by with a sandwich in his hand, causing Lena’s mouth to _______ at the sight of the delicious-looking sandwich. She couldn’t resist taking a ____ of her croissant, tearing off a flaky piece and chewing slowly. Lena noticed a group of musicians setting up in the corner of the cafe, and she leaned forward, __________ her ears to listen.