

2023-01-23 09:38:35 心情的文章 访问手机版


13.He's just been in a bad mood ever since he quit smoking(情绪)

14.He was relieved to be left alone, but he was so thirsty he felt as if he would die if he didn't get something to drink soon.(心理活动)

15.The last thing he wanted to do after killing himself all day on the lake was to get in a fight with a boy called the Caveman(心理描写)

16.Stanley played the scene over and over again in his mind(心理描写)

17.Whatever pain he felt was being felt ten times worse by Derrick(痛苦,心理描写)

18.He didn't feel like going into details(心理描写)

19.He felt a jolt of astonishment(震惊)(心理)

20.My blood boiled(心理描写)
