

2022-05-24 08:43:24 心情的文章 访问手机版


11. My face turned from pink to red to scarlet, irresistible fury taking the predominance over the faint sensation of guilt.(情怒,情感占据上风)

我的脸从粉红色变成红色再到猩红色,直到不可抗拒的愤怒占据了主导地位,超过了微弱的内疚感。scarlet adj.猩红的;鲜红的 predominance n.主导地位

12.Seized/Gripped by an upsurge of indignation from his heart, he couldn’t help roaring with a current of sheer fury. (愤怒)


indignation n. 愤怒

13. I feel the sweat drench my skin, the throbbing on my own eyer, the ringing screams vibrating in my ears . My fingers are curled into a fust, nails digging into my palm. I can feel the oxygen flooding in and out of my lungs. Fear tortures my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps. (各种情绪衬托加强).

我感到汗水淋湿了我的皮肤,我自己的眼球上的悸动,耳鸣般的尖叫声在我的耳朵里震动。我的手指蜷缩成一团,指甲挖进我的手掌。我能感觉到氧气涌入和流出我的肺部。恐惧折磨着我的胆量,在紧张的痉挛中搅动着我的胃。throb vi.(心脏、脉搏等)跳动 churn vt.剧烈搅动

cramp n.痛性痉挛

14.I composed myself and managed to slow my heart rate down to a safe level. (恢复镇静).


15.Boundless merriment and solace embraced her. (欣喜、宽慰).


olace n.安慰

16.…dragged Ally to the gloomy depths and hazy abyss of despondency and depression. (失望沮丧等负面情绪) ....把艾莉拖进了沮丧和失望的朦胧深渊。

abyss n.深渊 despondency n.失望

17.So bitter were my feelings that I had to give full vent to my sorrow and despair.(极度伤心想发泄)


l8.My countenance, which had been shrouded in a dreary and leaden mist of unrestrained despondency, was now lit up and radiant beams of happiness that could filter through the sullen darkness outside the window and melt in the infinity of stars.(转机释然)


shroud vt.覆盖;隐藏
