英语句子 描写身边日常
1. 今天是11月15日了,今年已经过去87%了。
Today is November 15. 87% of this year has passed by.
I passed by your apartment yesterday.
She just passed by me in a hurry. Why?
她刚才从我们旁边疾驰而过, 怎么了?
2. 整理数据太枯燥了。就连我都快受不了了。
Dealing with the numbers and data is very boring. Even I almost can’t stand it.
Organizing data is too boring. Even I can hardly stand it.
Your home and work environments are quite tidy.
"Tidying addresses objects, while cleaning addresses dirt."
"It's easier to clean your home when it's already tidy."
hardly < = > barely
3. 刚才我同事匆匆跑过来,她想让我帮她打咖啡。她第一次使用咖啡机打咖啡,她不太会用咖啡机。客户正在经理房间里,他们想喝咖啡。
My colleague run to me just now. She asked me to help her make the coffee with the coffee machine, she can hardly use the coffee machine because it is the first time to use it.
The clients were in the manager’s room, and they would like to drink coffee.
I went to teach her to use the machine easily. I made one cup of coffee for myself after she walked away with 2 cups of coffee.
A colleague, who came over in a hurry just now, wanted me to make coffee for her. It was her first time using a coffee machine to make coffee and she didn't know how to use it very well. The client was in the manager's room and they wanted coffee.
I went over and quickly helped her out, and I took the opportunity to make myself a cup of coffee.
4. 工作使我感到很充实。
Work makes me feel productive / enriched.
5. 您需求的是带有制冷系统的冷冻机还是不带制冷系统的冷冻机?
Do you need the freezer integrated with refrigeration system or just the freezer without refrigeration module?
6. 我要列一下接下来这几天的工作计划,以及生活当中的一些事项。
I will make a rough plan about my work and daily life for next several days, writing down a simple list.
I will make a rough plan of my work and daily life for the next few days and write down a simple list.
smooth / rough
rough 粗糙的
Repairs dry, rough and dull skin 帮助肌肤的复原能力,修补干燥、粗糙和暗哑的皮肤
Their methods were rough and ready. 他们的方法粗糙而又现成
rough and ready 粗制滥造 粗枝大叶
Sometimes the wind can make your skin smooth or rough.有时,风可以使 你的皮肤光滑或粗糙。
The player may skip while driving on rough roads. 在粗糙路面上行驶时,音乐播放可能会跳动。
Polyurethane overmolded housing can withstand rough handling in industrial environments.
7. 新鲜易腐食品如肉类、鱼类、水果和蔬菜的储存期可通过冷却(Cooling)延长数天,通过冷冻(Freezing)延长数周或数月。
The storage life of fresh perishable foods such as meats, fish, fruits, and vegetables can be extended by several days by cooling, and by several weeks or months by freezing.
8. 时间是最宝贵的资源,我们每个人都应该善用时间,好好利用时间,而不要浪费时间。
Time is the most precious resource in the world. We should all utilize it, instead of wasting it.
Time is the most valuable resource, and each of us should make good use of it instead of wasting time.
9. 现在经济形势不好,很多人担心会失去工作。
Now that the economy is in a bad shape, many people are worried about losing their jobs.
10. 对小孩子要有耐心,是父母与孩子相处的一个很重要的事项。
It is essential that parents should be patient with their children.