3 Cornucopia
The cornucopia, a symbol of abundance that many of us have come to associate with Thanksgiving, has its roots in clasical mythology.
The word comes from the Latin cornu copiae, meaning "horn of plenty." The horn in question belonged to the nymph Amalthaea, who suckled Zeus as an infant on goat's milk. Sometimes, she is represented as the goat.
这个词来自拉丁语cornu copiae,意思是“丰饶之角”。这只角属于Amalthaea女神,她还用山羊奶喂养哺乳期的宙斯。有时,她被描绘成山羊。
As one version of the story goes, Zeus accidentally broke off one of Amalthaea's horns. To make up for this, he promised the horn would always be filled with whatever its owner desired ... apparently fruits and flowers?
4 Indian summer
An Indian summer is a period of warm, dry weather occurring in late October or early November and following a period of colder weather.
The coinage of this term, recorded in the late 1700s, is uncertain, though one theory is that it stems from the Native Americans' practice of gathering food for winter during this unseasonable heat wave.
In the UK, an autumnal warm spell can be called a St. Luke's Little Summer and St. Martin's Summer, for when these Christian saints' feast days fall in October and November, respectively.
在英国,秋天的温暖期可以被称St. Luke's Little Summer和St. Martin's Summer,因为这两个基督教圣徒的节日分别在10月和11月。
And Shakespeare once called it an All Hallow'n Summer ...
莎士比亚曾称它为“All Hallows summer”……
5 Halloween
Speaking of Halloween, the word Halloween is ultimately a shortened version of the phrase All Hallows' Even, which means "Eve of All Saints."
说到万圣节,Halloween这个词最终是All Hallows Even的缩写,意思是“万圣之夜”。
The term references the November 1 Christian holiday, All Saints' Day, which commemorates all the saints (once called hallows) of the Christian church.
Some of the customs of Halloween, however, are linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which also occurred around November 1 to celebrate the beginning of winter. Souls of those who had died were believed to return to their homes, where they were feasted.
6 Harvest moon
Harvest moon refers to the full moon occurring nearest to the autumnal equinox.
Before electricity, it's said, the extra light provided by this brilliant moon allowed farmers to work into the night gathering their crops during peak harvest season.
Other names names for special types of full moons in fall include: fruit moon (September), hunter's moon (October), and frosty and beaver moon (November).
7 September
It refers to the ninth month of the year, but the word September is formed from the Latin term septem, which means "seven." What's going on here?
This name is a vestige of the month's place in the ancient Roman calendar, which had 10 months. The Julian calendar reform in 46–45 b.c. added January and February to make a 12-month year, rendering September (along with October, November, and December, respectively formed from the Latin words for "eight," "nine," and "ten") an etymological misnomer.